Life Unfolds In Chapters & Phases

Word count:14277

[Music] you in this episode we're going to be talking about how life unfolds in chapters and in phases and this is sort of a return to basic personal development this is a very practical topic we're not going to get too metaphysical here but it can be very useful to start to think of your life in terms of unfolding chapters and phases each chapter in your life which there will be many will be composed of four main phases which we're gonna call here the limbo phase that's number one number two is the starting phase number three is the middle and number four is the end so we're gonna talk a lot about these different phases and what they look like and what you should do and the various traps that you might fall into with with with each stage so just to briefly summarize them for you here the limbo stage is a time of inaction where you feel lost where you need to decompress and you need to heal and think things through so this is a period of isolation the starting phase is when you find a new sense of direction in your life and now this is the time where you start to take action and start to build momentum then once that's concluded that leads into the middle or sort of the peak of the cycle and the peak is when you're really hitting your stride you're building a lot of momentum and you're in the zone and you're getting success and that's one of the maximum that you reach and then it starts to go downhill from there and then you reach the end and the end is where things start to get stale yes you have success but then there's something new that you need to look out for and now it's time to start thinking about wrapping up this this whole chapter all these four phases are part of one chapter starting to wrap that up and opening up to the new chapter so those are the phases I got this idea of these phases from Ipek which is the coaching program that I took some years back I highly recommend it if you want to become a life coach Ipek is a great program I actually was just going through my notebooks old coaching notebooks from when I was when I was learning that how to coach they have a lot of great techniques very practical tools that you can use on yourself and on your clients to help them to figure out how to manage their life and so one of the models that they gave theirs they gave sort of these different cycles they had different names for them and so forth but a lot of the information that I'm going to be talking about here today are coming from them so credit goes to them for for this model it's really handy because when you're working with a client you can assess where in their cycle they are which phase they're in and then you can help to steer them in the right direction because you know nothing is new Under the Sun human beings have been growing for for thousands of years so we kind of know how the human psychology works and how people work in on their relationships in their business and what kind of cycles and phases they go through so it's really nice to be able to understand that because then you can sort of orient and normalize whatever is going on with you you don't feel lost so that's the whole purpose of this episode so let's get into the first phase in some detail number one limbo that's what I call it so this is a phase where you feel groundless lost and uncertain this is a time of most inaction where you're not really doing a lot of work you're not getting a lot of success you're not earning a bunch of money or stuff like that this is a low energy phase this is a time to heal to reflect to take time off to introspect to slow down it's a time to decompress because of course it goes in a cycle that means that this limbo that you're in right now came from a prior phase which was the end of some other chapter so at the end of a chapter you go into limbo before the new chapter begins you're not sure what the new chapter of your life is going to hold yet and so during this time there's not much to work on yet and probably you need to learn lessons and decompress from stuff that happened in the last chapter so during this limbo phase it's a to do research and to start to look in new directions to see what kind of new opportunities are available to you what is your next chapter of life gonna be what's the theme gonna be it can also involve coping with loss from a previous chapter maybe the previous chapter closed without a full resolution or maybe it ended in catastrophic failure it doesn't always end in success the way you want maybe the last chapter was you starting your business and then it all came crashing down and your business went bankrupt in some bad turn of the economy and now you're dealing with the fallout of that and now you got to think about well what's next what's my new business or am I getting a job or am I going to be homeless well you know what what's the next phase it's important to use this time to integrate lessons from the previous chapter there's probably a lot of stuff you learned whether you succeeded or failed in the last phase it doesn't matter there's many lessons that can be learned from success or from failure and probably you had a mixture of both maybe you succeeded in certain areas but failed in other areas so spending time just contemplating and really extracting the lessons making the lessons explicit that's important this is a time also to get honest with yourself and to face your own and inner demons and inadequacies so probably if you had any failures in the Pratt and in the previous chapter it's because you had serious inner obstacles that need work that's why personal development is done that's why consciousness work and spirituality is done so you get honest about that so maybe your business failed not because the economy took a downturn but really because of some personal flaw that you had that now you need to own up to and of course that can be difficult to do so this limbo phase can be sort of a a melancholy challenging phase because you are turning inwards and you're introspecting and you're also admitting of various mistakes you're you're kind of looking at your own performance in the past and seeing you know what did you like what didn't you like you're accepting responsibility for your mistake maybe you have certain regrets about how you handle situations that you want to handle differently next time and so the danger here with this phase is that people might want to move through it too quickly without really going into it and doing the introspection and really doing the inner work they might distract themselves with external activities and hobbies and things when really they need to give themselves the opportunity to fully go into this phase so during this phase you might feel alone you might feel lazy you might feel listless you might feel purposeless you might even feel depressed you might fear for the future fear of the unknown because you don't know what comes next you might have a sense that this is it this is like the most that you would ever get in life is the previous peak that you got and that now the best chapter of your life is over well of course this is just an illusion it doesn't have to be this way but it can feel that way it can feel especially when you're depressed or you're stuck in a rut it can feel like it's gonna last forever and that you don't know how to break out of it of course that's totally normal which is why it's helpful to know that coz just by knowing that already helps you to break out of it whereas if you start to take it too seriously and you think that it's gonna last forever then you completely lose hope and then that's when things start to go wrong during this phase you're gonna doubt yourself a lot there's gonna be a loss of control a surrender a facing of some of your greatest fears admitting things about yourself and your life that you don't want to admit maybe admitting that you wasted a lot of time or maybe admitted that you you sorted the wrong type of business or you entered the wrong type of relationship for whatever personal reasons that you had during this phase you are realigning with your top values if you're doing it correctly if you're doing it incorrectly then you're ignoring your values you don't even know you have any values and you're going off and you're distracting yourself with television or getting into some of the kind of rut during this phase you also need to be challenging limiting beliefs because it's during this phase that you're starting to get little Inklings of what life could hold for you next maybe it's a new business maybe it's a move to a different country maybe it's breaking with a relationship or moving away from your family or you know something and you're getting little glimpses of what it could be us a vision is starting to materialize but it takes time for that vision to become concrete at first it's just little Inklings and of course as the vision starts to materialize all sorts of limiting beliefs come up like for example maybe you start to see the vision of how you're gonna start your own business whereas before you were working in some dead-end job and and now that's exciting that you're starting to see this possibility but at the same time you have all these fears and limiting beliefs about like how well I've never run a business so I don't even know what that looks like how am I gonna do it I don't have the money where am I gonna get the capital who's gonna loan me money and you know what if I'm not good enough I don't have enough experience I don't have any connections and so forth so all those need to be challenged and your vision needs to be able to conquer all those limiting beliefs otherwise you can't really move into the next phase so as this phase begins the limbo phase usually you might start off in victim mentality playing the victim with all these excuses about well I can't do it I don't know how to do it or there's something wrong with me so various kinds of victim mindsets like I'm too old I'm not experienced enough and so forth and then as you're going through this phase and you're getting to the end of the limbo phase your vision is starting to form and now you're taking more and more responsibility and you're starting to to see that wait a minute maybe I can do it maybe I'm just doubting myself too much maybe this vision really is worth the effort that I'm gonna put into it maybe I should just take a leap of faith and commit to this vision so you're getting that towards the very end of this phase and that's taking responsibility and so really this is like the beginning of a new slate for you you can sort of start your life anew you can be reborn that's the power of these chapters every chapter is a new slate and here we're sort of at the beginning of the new chapter it's sort of like you're sitting down to write a novel and you just have a blank screen on your computer and you can write anything and that's kind of scary and exciting at the same time it's scary because like well what am I gonna write I can I can write all sorts of stupid stuff and I don't know where to begin I'm not inspired yet by anything I don't have any kind of concrete direction that's right because that's how every beginning is it's totally open its freedom it's so much freedom that it's stifling you're stifled by the freedom on the other hand it's exciting because there's all these possibilities and so that's what you're dealing with you're trying to make decisions so at this point you might also be very indecisive you might have multiple visions of what you might want to do maybe there's three different types of business that you want to start but you're not sure which one or you're trying to find your life purpose but again you're not sure which one should be art or music or should it be filmmaking and you're not sure which one to choose and so you can be very self doubting in this respect but also this is a time for exploring new opportunities getting into totally new things that you hadn't done before in your life maybe it's a new hobby maybe it's hanging out with new people maybe it's studying a new subject that you hadn't studied before maybe it's starting to take your health seriously where before it was not even on your radar maybe it's now beginning spirituality and discovering the possibilities of spirituality so you're starting to like enter new realms of life new domains that weren't on your radar before so that's phase one now what do you do here when you're at this phase the limbo phase well first of all it's important that you allow yourself to decompress to take time off so one of the biggest mistakes you can make at the limbo phase is trying to speed up and trying to guilt yourself for underachieving those of us who are very ambitious and high achievers and we want to be winners and we want to be getting more money more success we always want to be working on something those of us who are workaholics those of us who are super creative we also want to have we always want to have some project that we're working on you know we don't waste our time we can be too hard on ourselves and that we're always expecting to be like delivering results and this is just a phase in your life where you're not going to be delivering any results so you got to be okay with that if you're a workaholic you're gonna struggle with that and that's that's a problem because you know the problem is workaholics is that they just get kind of stuck in the cycle of doing the same work over and over and over again they never really go inside and reflect and ask themselves more fundamental questions like is this work even helping mankind is this work even aligned with my top values why am i doing is is this work really gonna fulfill me in the end and those are really important questions to ask it's important to be gentle with yourself in this phase don't guilt yourself don't try to get results out of yourself just chill and hang out and take it easy and enjoy that trust that by taking the time to decompress and to relax and to introspect that some new purpose will emerge for you but not necessarily in a day or in a week or in a month it might take time and I'm deliberately not giving you timeframes here for how long these different phases could take because for different people it'll be different really we're talking on the order of months and years here so a phase might take six months or maybe it might take a year or two years or three years that's roughly what we're looking at of course there's no hard and fast rules it's gonna be different for everybody at different times in their lives it's important during this phase to break old patterns and to do new things because really what this phase is is sort of a discovery process you're discovering deeper aspects of yourself peeling back the layers of the onion of the self becoming more authentic more true to yourself realigning yourself with your top values really thinking deeply about what you really want from life and allowing yourself to dream to vision to get inspired by stuff and the way you get inspired is by participating with new aspects of reality so stuffily you know like that you didn't do before that the old stuff that you used to do it doesn't inspire you anymore because you've exhausted that from the previous chapter so now maybe there's new books you want to read new people you want to hang out with new kinds of industries you want to explore new career opportunities you want to explore maybe there's a new part of the world that you want to live in or travel to that's all really great you got to sort of follow up with that because all if all you do is you just hunker down and sit back stay home and keep doing all the old stuff you used to do well there's not enough new information to come in to inspire you and there's also not enough new opportunities to give you hope and then you can become depressed because of that so you got to open yourself up to life there's so much within life that can inspire you whether it's movies or art or museums or travel or new people or psychedelics or maybe you discover self-help maybe you discover spirituality maybe you have a mystical experience that that opens up a whole new realm for you to then explore to get excited about to give you new business ideas to give you new directions for your career new ways of thinking about your relationships and your family and your friendships and so forth this is a time to really review what's most important for you in life and of course it really helps that you know your top values and you have a sense of life purpose so for that check out my life purpose course that's what it's all about there's there's quite a lot involved to get a person to really start to understand who they are even though of course you're you and you think you know who you are and what you want actually most people have no idea who they are hard what they really want and I'm not even talking about enlightenment here I'm just talking about who you are as a Ito as a personality you don't even understand what that is yet nevermind enlightenment during this phase consider maybe working on new areas of your life that you've neglected in the past so maybe in the past you weren't focused on business and now you can be or maybe in the past you weren't focused on family and relationships but now you can be or your health and now you can be or your spirituality and now you can be allow yourself during this phase to be a little bit lazy and to be a bit in a rut that's ok as long as you don't get totally mired in it for years that's ok allow yourself to get inspired by life be careful not to fall into addictions and distractions with pornography television smoking weed habitually this sort of stuff that can just kind of numb your mind put you into low consciousness and actually take you out of introspection mode that would be a mistake and if you get caught up in that that very long deep rut then you can waste several years of your life in this and it's gonna be painful and unnecessary so watch out for that during this phase also cherish your solitude be alone get comfortable being alone it's ok you don't need to always be surrounded by friends you don't need to always be busy minimize your life so that you have time to enjoy your solitude to introspect and to think and along these lines a really great technique is to schedule a week or two for a solo retreat somewhere secluded out in nature rent a cabin on Airbnb somewhere in the mountains in the forest in the desert all by yourself and just live there for a few weeks not meditating per se not doing psychedelics per se although you could but just like just just be there by yourself decompress and think about what you want in life maybe take a journal with you and just journal you'd be amazed at how effective this simple technique is see most people will never take the time to actually schedule something like this because they think like oh well Leo do I really need to do it I mean like yeah it sounds like it would be helpful but yeah what if I just stay home for a week and watch TV but see if you do that you're not gonna get anything near what you would get if you actually took the time to to schedule a cabin out in the forest and be there all by yourself without any television internet or cell phones it like one of these solar retreats can make or break your whole life it can mean the difference between finding your life purpose and not that's that's how important this is it's it's during these periods where you have inspiration where you have new visions and you develop them you dream and you find the next chapter in your life a strong powerful compelling chapter that's what you want here you don't want a weak chapter you don't want to waste because you know one chapter is gonna probably take you to complete a whole chapter with four phases we're talking five years roughly speaking you know five maybe even ten years for a whole chapter so it would be a great shame if the next five or ten years you devoted to a week piddly chapter you don't want that so it's highly worthwhile to invest a couple of weeks a couple of months to really figure out what your next chapter is gonna be that's highly worth it and it's gonna pay huge dividends in terms of money and everything else so it's worth a little bit of investment if you have to spend a thousand dollars to do this retreat it's still highly worth it this is also a great time did you travel rent a car travel around wherever you are go to some parks go to some new attractions go to some museums go somewhere you've never been before again open yourself up to new influences and traveling by yourself is really great because while you're traveling you get to think while you're in the plane while you're in the train while you're in the car driving somewhere one of my favorite things in life that I get a lot of inspiration from is driving solo driving I'll just drive for 4 hours or 2 hours whatever it is just drive somewhere doesn't matter where it could be just around town with nowhere in particular to go or somewhere to a different state to a desert to a forest to a mountain that I've never been to to a city have never been to I'm actually starting to do a lot more that lately and as man is this it's really great for decompressing and for for thinking and for for inspiring yourself also during this phase do activities which bring joy in you bring out the joy find your bliss as Joseph Campbell would say and to follow that you can't find your bliss unless you're you're doing stuff that you actually enjoy so stuff that's not work what do you enjoy about life and if you don't enjoy anything well that just shows you you need to spend a lot more time figuring out what you really enjoy testing out different things maybe you enjoy travel maybe you enjoy cooking maybe you enjoy hanging out with friends or whatever and just just give yourself the space to participate in that because that's where your inspiration comes from then from that some new business idea could come or a new career idea or whatever so don't be too practical in this phase the ultimate goal of this phase is to build a new compelling vision for the next chapter of your life so that's really what you're working towards without a compelling vision you can't really start on anything you can't begin the hero's journey so the hero's journey begins here you're kind of stuck in a rut and then you discover some new opportunity some new vision comes your way and then is presented to you the call to adventure will you accept the call or will you reject it will you cope with excuses and reasons for why you shouldn't go on this adventure this adventure will be the next three phases of this chapter that's opening up to you here and of course a lot of times we hesitate we don't just jump on the adventure because adventures lead into the unknown they're dangerous they require expenditure of energy and resources they requires to break out of our comfort zone that requires to find some deeper motivation within ourselves and so we hesitate and we stall that's very common but eventually you will find your vision and you will accept the call to adventure and you will commit to some path and you'll get some direction and that leads us now into stage two or phase two this is the beginning the start the start of your journey the start of your adventure the start of you going down some particular road so this really begins with a clear vision purpose direction and certainty about what you want to do there's a sense of clarity now that you're in Phase two you have some kind of loose plan it doesn't need to be very detailed but there's definitely a loose plan that you have and this plan is gonna require a lot of action to implement it whatever it might be might be a new business plan might be the vision to start a family to find a wife or a husband settle down start having kids you know it might be that where it might be a plan to to lose a lot of weight and to get yourself into shape and start to eat healthy and start to work out go to the gym I know there was a phase in my life where I definitely had that chapter of working on my health and fitness so stuff like that during this phase you are committing to a new field exploring some new realm you're not just dabbling and exploring now you've you've done a bit of the preliminary exploration of different fields in phase one the limbo phase now you've actually found a new field and you're committing to it in your same cave this is the thing I'm gonna do for the next five or ten years or however long this is something I really want to focus on whether it's your fitness or some particular type of business maybe you want to become an artist or program better speaker and communicator so you're saying okay I'm gonna focus on speaking and communication for the next five years that's my vision to become a great communicator a great leader or whatever during this phase there's usually a lot of optimism about the future because you found something juicy that you want to work on there's engagement here there's a sense of passion so this is like what happens at the end of depression once you're done with all your depression your hopelessness then you find a new vision and energy passion and optimism this is a time for training work and networking there's probably a lot of new skills that you need to learn in order to master this new field that you're moving into your eager in this phase to explore to build and to create you're pushing yourself to new heights you're discovering new aspects of yourself you're discovering entirely new realms of life and you're amazed because what might seem like a realm that didn't even exist for you before like maybe spirituality and meditation you start to go into each other train your meditation concentration abilities and then all of a sudden you discover this amazing realm of spirituality and all the possibilities there you start to read a bunch of books and go to workshops and lectures and you start to watch videos and so you discover a whole new realm that you want to commit yourself to or maybe it's within dating and pick up you discover this and you start to get real serious about it or maybe it's some new business snitch that you discover that you see that there's a big opportunity there and you got to strike while the iron is hot to jump into that business during this phase you start to work a lot lots of overtime but it doesn't often feel like work because it's so exciting and so new and so fresh during this phase you start to get a lot of done this is where you go into action mode and you become very practical this is a high energy phase whereas the previous phase was low energy some of the problems that could arise here is a fear of failure and feelings of inadequacy and insecurities because you're entering something new and of course you're comparing yourself to all those people who are really good at that thing who've been practicing it for years but you're just a newbie and so you have that problem of feeling like a newbie and feeling like you're never gonna make it you're not good enough to succeed in this business you're never gonna develop the right skills that you're just flawed in some way you're not talented in this area and you got to push through that and it's it's also very easy to quit in this face and to run back to your old life see so don't just assume that it's gonna all work out automatically for you know you can really get crippled by your insecurities and adequacy and fear of failure you have to really get your inner game dialed in so that those limiting beliefs don't you and that you keep building your momentum here and that's really what this phase is doing it's building a lot of momentum and it takes work to build that momentum first doesn't come easily so what do you do in this phase make sure that you stay focused on your training there's gonna be a lot of training happening here and you got to be disciplined about it and you got to be building good habits and routines make sure that you're building up momentum it's important to be executing every single day on something so like if you're getting into spirituality then every single day you got to be doing your yoga or your meditation like clockwork and not skipping days or if you're getting into business and every single day you're working on your business or if you're writing a novel then every single day you got to be writing you know at least a couple of pages of your novel every single day to build that momentum that's very important and that's quite challenging for many people to do because you're coming out of a rut you're coming out of being lazy and most people they've never seriously disciplined themselves to to work on projects independently outside of being prodded by a boss or by a family member some like that or by the need to pay your mortgage like being a - to teach yourself how to build momentum and how to follow through on your own personal visions and projects is one of the most basic aspects of personal development and building a high quality life which many people just have never have never done and then of course that's why they get so depressed it's important to stay optimistic in this phase and to keep working on your vision don't assume that your initial vision is the end no it's really just the beginning you have to really keep working on that vision keep asking yourself is this really what I want and refining it so it's not really about changing your vision you want to be careful not to just be changing your vision every single month your vision needs to have some stability to it but once you do have your vision you can keep refining it and then as you're as you're working you can see well am I am I really working is what is is the stuff that I'm doing really totally aligned with the vision then you'll see it's not and you can kind of expand your vision more and more and more and build it up and that only gets you more excited about the possibilities it's very important that during this phase you don't quit and run back to your old life so be very careful about succumbing to easy tempting addictions like porn video games social media watching YouTube videos watching television eating terrible food hanging out with terrible friends chronically smoking weed everyday and this sort of stuff this is gonna completely destroy any possibility of building up that momentum and really launching the next chapter of your life also make sure that you do pace yourself don't burn yourself out it's always exciting to start something new what's really difficult is to build enough momentum on that thing and to kind of stick with it for at least a year or two so it's very important that you that you really focus on building momentum here also be prepared for obstacles whatever new project you start whether it's a family or fitness and nutrition or dating or a business it's always gonna be harder than you thought and there's gonna be some element of grind and boredom to it as well and there are going to be threshold Guardians as I talked about with the hero's journey go check out my episode called the highest hero the highest hero's journey where I explain what the hero's journey is that that episode really dovetails with this one here so there's gonna be threshold Guardians no matter what you're trying to do whether you're starting a new business or you're learning a new musical instrument or you're getting into a new relationship there's gonna be obstacles and you're gonna be tempted to quit so make sure that you stick through those get good at identifying threshold Guardians so that when something bad happens that that tries to derail the start of your next chapter you realize that oh this is just this is just a threshold Guardian I just have to work with it not quit during this phase become a serious student because there's a lot you have to learn to become good at whatever you're trying to master emulate various role models who are doing or have done the things that you want to do and be good at find the best teachers find resources books to read how-to courses all of this is available online easily these days so once you've done all that now you're ready for phase 3 which is the middle or the peak or hitting your stride by this point momentum has been built up and now you're in the zone and you're on fire success is coming to you faster than you expected and you're amazed by your results so all that hard work that you did learning and and pushing through your limiting beliefs and holding onto your vision now all of that is coming to fruition you can actually sense that your vision is starting to have become actualized in the real world what was once just ideas and pipe dreams now you're actually starting to see it money is pouring in people are starting to take notice of your work if this is business that we're talking about if this is career then you're starting to reach a point where people recognize you for your skills and for your achievements and now people want to work with you employers want to hire you maybe you have multiple employers competing for your attention trying to give you higher and higher salaries and this feels great you're on top of life at this point you're at the peak it feels amazing you start to feel very grateful you start to feel like man if only everybody knew that life could be so good but of course the danger is that when you're hitting the peak there is an illusion now that comes that it will always be like this it's you're gonna want to try to hold hold on and ride that peak for as long as you can thinking that this is it you're kind of maxed out on life and if you can just maintain that then this is what life is all about during this phase you're focused on what's working because you figured out some niche that seems to work there could still be self-doubt and self-sabotage during this phase you got to be careful with that you could also get too arrogant or too cocky and too complacent and then suffer some catastrophe because of that during this phase you're usually very busy your attention is focused outwardly you're not introspecting very much so what do you do in this phase well enjoy it enjoy the ride while it lasts you're riding a sort of wave and you're at the peak it's like surfing so you're at that point where you're actually surfing on the big wave and you're you've stabilized and you're in that tunnel you're in the zone and everything's working great so of course enjoy that that was the whole point of your vision is to get to this point celebrate your success keep doing what's been working don't try to innovate too much here if it's been working for you producing results double down on that triple down on that master it finish the mastery process so you were getting good you're getting good but there's still more to master so keep mastering and don't get complacent remember that this peak won't last it's just a phase and it will pass so sort of emotionally prepare yourself for what's coming next and what's coming next is gonna be a bit of a downturn be careful not to get lost in materialism like the fruits of your success like money fame sex these things you've earned through this hard work now and it can be easy to get kind of lost in that in those trappings but remember that these things are not really why you were doing all this and that these things never really give you any true fulfillment anyways and so in this phase you will discover just how little fulfillment you get for money Fame and sex and that can be a very valuable lesson in and of itself for you to realize that and then of course after that oftentimes comes a downturn and a depression you're never gonna be more depressed in your life than the moment that you get everything that you've ever wanted if you get a million dollars and you get a bunch of Fame at a bunch of sex the very next day is gonna be the most depressing day of your life because you're gonna realize how little that really did for you how spiritually hollow that materialistic stuff is and of course that can be very sobering because you realize well wait a minute léo then what the hell have I been working towards why have I been I've even chasing decision because my whole vision was about money Fame ins and sex and and a big house and and all this and and now you're saying that it doesn't work how was I doing it well that's very good that's very good to discover why were you doing that see it's by going through this process that you learn more about yourself you peel the layers of your onion the onion that is you and then you get more and more authentic about what you really want out of life what your top values are and you don't just do that by sitting on a couch of course you could to some extent but you also do it by actually looking at the results that you get in your life and going through this cyclical process also be careful in this phase not to overwork yourself and to burn yourself out or to ruin your health by overworking because you know you start to get sex and more success and more fame and more money and more sex and you just kind of you know you go to this into this vortex of just becoming one minded in your life of just like pursuing your career and that's it for example to the neglect of your family your health and other things finish what you started in this phase don't run off the next thing just yet bring it to its completion exhausted also be prepared that there might be uh there might be a major obstacle right at the peak of the face in the hero's journey this is known as entering the belly of the whale this is where you come to confront your your greatest obstacle or you fight the dragon and then you got to conquer the dragon so that's you reaching the very very peak the very climax and then once you do that whether you succeed or whether you fail at conquering the dragon then comes the end this is phase number four all good things come to an end so this journey this chapter might end in a success or a failure and it doesn't really matter which you can learn a lot from both oftentimes you learn even more from your failures so maybe you were starting a business and it worked out and you made millions of dollars great but now it's coming to an end you've exhausted that business or maybe you started a business but it failed because it was a bad business idea and you were so experienced also great you've learned very important lessons there that now need to be integrated and you got to look towards the next thing so this is the end during the end this is a phase where there can be a lot of denial and resistance to the chapter ending especially if you had great success because you want to maintain that success and you don't want to earn less money and get less fame and less sex you want to get more that's only natural you want to keep expanding you can't have a life of never-ending expansion life doesn't work that way it's always cyclical there's ups and downs so be aware of that during this end phase there can be a clinging to the past and a resistance to the new chapter that is now calling you so maybe you've succeeded in this business but now you're realizing well yeah this business it was nice and I got some money out of it that's important and I grew a lot I learned a lot of stuff but this business is not really what I'm most passionate about there's an even higher level there's even something more important than business but of course I'm scared of going after it because now I've got the successful business I want to lose what I've built over the last five or ten years see so there's sort of clinging but during this chapter you have to start to realize that your life has that this chapter has run its course and that that now there's a next chapter waiting for you during this phase projects that used to excite you can now start to feel stale trivial and meaningless there can be a loss of meaning a sort of hollowness to success that you're starting to realize you might start to feel unhappy or dissatisfied and unfulfilled you might search I wonder is this all there is to life is just this more of this because it feels very empty in hollow your energy and motivation which used to be high now is starting to wane at the same time you're getting comfortable you're getting comfortable with luxury and success and the fruits of your work that you've accumulated so you're resistant to changing or to getting out of that comfort because you know that if you sort the next chapter that means you have to go to your uncomfort and comforters uncomfortable uncomforta own and you don't want to do that you'd rather stay comfortable you don't want to move to a new city you'd want to move to a new country don't want to change careers you don't want to you know you don't want to change your chips your friends your spouse your family don't want to change stuff during this phase you can start to feel like a victim you could start to get angry or upset because you're trapped and cornered in life life is starting to feel stale you can start complaining and bitching and moaning you feel entitled you can even become corrupt with your success you can become an option noxious and arrogant and now you're starting to get into a rut you're going through life just going through the motions you're starting to not feel so creative anymore yes you're going to work yes you're going to your business you're working on it but it just it doesn't excite you anymore and it just feels like the same old thing every day and you're not inspired anymore because you've maxed out your vision you've actualized your vision so you need a new vision but at this point you have no idea what the new vision is because you haven't thought that far you were so busy trying to actualize your first vision and it was so difficult to do that that you never even consider that there might be something beyond that but now of course you have to start considering that there can be a fear of collapse or a fear of losing it all at this point because you might think like well okay I've built this business but now it's time to move on to something else but this business who's gonna run it I don't know how am I gonna keep keep this business up and so your attention and your motivations could be split now between your old business or some old project you had in some new projects that you might be considering and now the energy is starting to to fall off getting to into a low energy state depression could happen a sense of isolation can start to happen a withdrawal starts to happen towards the very end of this phase which of course leads us right back into the very first phase that we started with which is limbo and then it's from limbo that you start to open up the next chapter so what do you do here in phase 4 the end first of all accept that everything comes to an end and at the end is near and don't be in denial about it it's also very important in this phase that you acknowledge your achievements your growth and your gains which people forget to do if you have been doing this process correctly for five or ten years working on this chapter of your life by the time you get to the very end you've grown so much you've had so many achievements and gains eat if you've had failures that you need to acknowledge that because if you think back like you were a different person when you began this journey by this point you've changed and it's very easy to overlook that because anything you achieve you just try to take as the new normal so acknowledge how far you've come even if you don't have everything you want yet that's fine but acknowledge how far you've come also don't get too attached to the old realize that life is all about finding the next chapter and remember how exciting it was to be beginning your new chapter when you originally began it so that is gonna come but it might take a couple of years before you get to that level of excitement again know when to walk away from a relationship from a business from a project that you have exhausted don't just keep milking it and milking in a million so like you know with the with TV shows if you have a good TV show the producers will know when the TV show is kind of coming to its peak and once it's past its peak then you got to wrap that thing up don't just keep it going and going and going like put it out of its misery you know some TV shows like The Simpsons you know they've the Simpsons have been on for like thirty years now or twenty-five years and they keep pumping it out but I mean the Simpsons are have died like a decade ago the peak of The Simpsons was a decade ago or even more so they got a really just kill that thing see and I can only imagine like the the people the poor people who work on us Simpsons now still some of the original people like some of the original voice actors and so forth of course a lot of the old old producers and directors left but some of the people who have still stuck around you know they must be so miserable because they've been doing the same goddamn thing for like 25 years doing the same voices like they need something new like you've got enough money that you don't need the Simpsons money like quit just go away start something new start a new project you need to work on a new show you know that's what you need otherwise you're gonna stagnate so that's what I mean by knowing how to walk away look for ways to tie up loose ends so if you have a business or a project oftentimes you can't just leave it on the turn of a dime you gotta like make sure that your employees are satisfied your business partner has to be satisfied you got to wrap up the loose ends so start doing that that will free you up to then move on to the next thing so start kind of planning your transition for you now what's important is free time to think and to reflect and to decompress so try to create that space for yourself because you know you've been so busy for the last few years riding the peak that you don't have that space you gotta create it now is when you create it start looking forward to the new chapter start asking yourself what's next for you what's the next level of life for you how do you evolve yourself next what's the next level for your soul to evolve to plan time off plan for serious introspection expect less money less results and less action for the next few years and be okay with that if you have some silly idea that your your income has to be growing every single year that's gonna be very counterproductive in this case you see because that's just not how it works I remember I had to do that when I started actualised org to start actualize I don't work I had to take a pretty big hit in my income for a couple of years and it was counter and to because I didn't want to because he I got accustomed to earning six-figure salary from my previous business and I just wanted that's continuing I wanted my salary to increase every single year but I had to let that go to create a possibility for something new also during this phase be okay with not having a plan you don't know yet what the next phase is gonna be for you that's gonna take some months or even a few years to figure that out and that's okay and also start exploring new possibilities you need to find new sources of inspiration new realms and new fields of life all right so that explains the four phases and what one whole chapter looks like now let me make some general points about this whole model so first of all it's very important just to understand the basic here which is that phases are totally normal and healthy this is how it should be don't expect constant action constant motivation constant upward growth that's silly it's not how life works that's not how human growth works so don't place those false expectations on yourself realize that ups and downs are normal and totally to be expected also it's important to understand that those quiet periods where you're not in a lot of action those low energy phases growth is still happening during those inactive phases in fact they are still active it's just that they're active on the inside if you're doing them right so you've got two of these phases which are really active on the outside and then two of these phases which are more active on the inside and being active on the inside in some sense it's even more important because being active on the inside sets you up for then a lot of action on the outside it's pointless to take a lot of action externally on the outside when you don't know yet what you're supposed to be acting towards when you don't have a vision C so don't don't dismiss that if you're too materialistically minded it's very easy to dismiss that getting caught up in always generating results there's a an old parable about bamboo the way bamboo grows I don't know if this is true or not but what they say is is that bamboo when it grows it grows really fast it grows like a foot every couple of days but it doesn't grow that way all the time really the way bamboo grows is that it takes five or ten years for the bamboo roots of the plant to establish themselves and during that time nothing is growing up top the root system is growing and preparing itself for a massive spurt and births burst of growth at some point but it's not there yet and then when when the root system is developed then it starts to sprout really quickly like feet per day quickly and it's amazing so that's exactly kind of how it works with with us as well so don't discount those periods where you're laying the foundation where you're doing the research where you're introspecting where you're dreaming where you're coming up with visions externally nothing's gonna be happening your family your friends they might look at you your colleagues they might look at you and they might see that you're a loser that you're not getting anything accomplished that you're not earning a lots of money you're not bringing home two paychecks you're not maybe even working during this time they might think that you're jobless and homeless and all this but they don't see what you see which is that you're building this root system that's going to support massive growth in the future so keep that in mind also don't resist the phases lean into them acknowledge which phase you're in and then kind of just go with it don't try to rush through a phase enjoy each phase for what it is be willing to let a chapter and or close without holding on too long be willing to walk away be willing to take the time out to relax and to rethink your life be willing to be cost confused and sad that's all normal allow yourself to explore totally new opportunities that's very important for discovering the next chapter trust that you will fly your next chapter watch out for wasting time getting stuck in a rut in those low consciousness addictive activities like I said because those keep you from doing a high quality introspection make big changes just for the sake of something new so for example when you're reaching the end of a chapter you might just make sort of a spontaneous decision to just do something new like move to a new city move to a new country get a new job it is totally out of out of left field consider a new career consider a new business consider changing your whole diet consider changing all your relationships and friendships consider a new hobby consider a new lifestyle and then just by doing something new without even knowing where it's gonna lead trust that it'll eat somewhere even if the thing you do ends up not being perfect for you just to die fact that you did it and you change something was healthy to break you out of the old chapter and begin the new chapter see it's better to do stuff and fail at it and realize that it's not right for you than to just sit back and be paralyzed not doing anything at all because you don't know what to do if you don't know what to do do something and then just evaluate the results of the thing you did that's how you really learn who you are what your values are and what you want out of life do stuff that you hate just to learn that you hate it that helps you of course you shouldn't deliberately do stuff that you hate but you know if you're just paralyzed go go and do something new it doesn't have to be perfect if you're waiting for the perfect vision the perfect business idea that's not gonna work out so well you're gonna discover that that's an evolutionary process you see it's not something you just sit on the couch and you discover one day it could be but usually it requires exploration first before you have that brilliant new idea for the future of your life research therefore is very vital always be researching always have new opportunities in the back pocket have more opportunities and ideas that then you will be able to actualize in multiple lifetimes keep a log a journal of a list of all the opportunities that there exists for you see be reading lots of books be talking to new people this is how you do research and you find new stuff in life that will excite you sometimes it's just pure luck and pure coincidence and serendipity that you discover something you know some friend or some colleague mentioned something you hear it and then it's like oh yeah that would be perfect for me but you can't hear it unless you're talking to that colleague or you're talking to some new person also it's important to remember that you shouldn't expect old friends and family to follow you on this journey to follow you into the next chapter expect resistance from them which is why you have to isolate yourself you have to learn to listen to your own inner voice and inner heart and soul and then work on it quietly don't don't make a big announcement to them that all I'm starting this new business I'm pursuing enlightenment or I'm gonna go start a family don't keep that to yourself because they probably won't understand and you need to lay more groundwork first because your friends and family the only thing they're gonna really react to is the external results they're gonna react to the the bamboo that's above-ground they don't see what's really going on inside of you that's generating all that external growth so make sure you really work on on your root system and the last general point that I'll make here is get comfortable being all alone with some of these phases that's totally normal and okay and in fact necessary so get comfortable being alone that doesn't mean you to become a hermit or a recluse or abandon all your friends you can be social but just realize it'll be faced in your life will be your be very social in other phases will your gonna be a recluse and that's all right now let me just draw a few obvious parallels here between this four phase model and the hero's journey I really recommend you go watch my episode about the hero's journey and if you took my life purpose course we talked about the hero's journey a lot there so go check that out in even more detail if you really want to understand the hero's journey the life purpose course shows you how to live a hero's journey and all the trickiness and challenges and obstacles that come there but quick-quick skeletal over you so the hero starts out just in ordinary life basically just doing mundane stuff stuck in a rut then some new trigger comes which is a call to adventure some new grand possibility opens up but of course the hero is lazy stuck in a rut and fearful so he rejects the call to adventure doesn't commit to it finally after being sick of his rut he accepts the call to adventure and so of course the hero begins sort of in the limbo phase then he accepts the call as soon as he accepts the call that's when the starting phase phase two begins then a wild adventure ensues the here was learning lots of stuff meeting wizards and teachers and masters and meeting threshold Guardians and you know struggling with the initial obstacles that's face to the start he's conquering those then eventually he becomes proficient and he starts to conquer the ultimate obstacle wishes the the dragon defeating the dragon that like stage three and by defeating the dragon and becoming very proficient becoming a master that's now he's reaching the peak of his journey and so once he defeats the dragon what else is there to do now it's all sort of downhill from here he's he's actualized his journey he's risen to the occasion he's become the hero people celebrate him he's famous he gets money and women and all this and fame and adoration and approval in love but he still has more life to go so now what is he doing well now he starts to feel a bit depressed the journey is over the journey has run its course what's next he doesn't know so now he starts to go downhill this is the the fourth phase this is the the end and now he returns back to his ordinary life and now he's probably lazy he's drunk he's smoking weed he's watching TV he's stuck in a rut again until the next thing comes along so he's back in limbo mode now I want to give you some examples from my own life of how this worked it's not always going to work perfectly it's not always going to just like completely aligned with these cycles but actually you could be surprised at how closely it can align with these cycles it's just that the timing will be different for everybody so you got a you got a look at this for Phase model rather loosely you know kind of metaphorically not too literally so I've had multiple chapters and multiple cycles and phases in my life so I'll just begin in an arbitrary place which is sort of like almost exactly ten years ago when I started my first business I started an online business because I felt like I was stuck in a rut in my old job I didn't like working for people I didn't I didn't like having a boss that's one of the most important lessons I learned in my whole life is that I never want to have a boss ever again and that I only want to work for myself and so when I realized that that for me became the vision that became my hero's journey as to to build financial independence that I could be completely unbeaten to any anyone else's agenda and that I could completely be free to build my own life and my own business and career and have the impact that I want to have and to have the creative freedom that I want to have and so that became my vision I got really excited about that possibility so I got to work immediately building my business within six months I had a business that was starting to earn money and I worked hard to get it off the ground so this was me going from the limbo phase into the start phase number one we're actually the started phase number two so I was in number two I've worked there for a few years getting the business off the ground making passive income and all this until the business was basically running itself and I started to get good at business and marketing and understanding how that works and then I started to feel like okay I've kind of maxed that out I was getting to the to the top of business and then I didn't know what was next I wasn't sure what the next phase in my life was gonna be I was still very young there were still areas in my life where I had just done zero work like with relationships intimate relationships and sexuality so I wanted to really work on that because before that my whole focus was just on my career and on business and money so I was starting to explore new possibilities like I knew that already that the business that I built wasn't the ultimate business that I wanted it was just a stepping stone it was a way to become financially independent and I achieved that but my real dream business that had to be yet to be invented and I didn't know exactly what that was gonna be so I was exploring different stuff and during this time I decided to get in to pick up and learn dating learned to get better sexuality learn to understand masculinity and femininity much better so that was like a whole new field and as I got into that I also discovered self-help and personal development as this exciting new field and so I got into that I also got into weightlifting did that for a few years was really excited by the possibilities there and that was great and I was learning again and so that was sort of the beginning of the next chapter for me right around this time as I was getting into that it was very fortuitous because my old business basically started to collapse it started just like within a few days I started earning much less money than it ever used to and so I realized that okay this is the end I have to let it go and I have to move on to something new but of course I was afraid I didn't know what that was I had no idea really if I could even pull off another business I had a lot of doubt about whether I could be successful again and during this time while I was doing pickup I discovered life coaching as a possibility is very interesting I was actually in a bar in Dallas talking to just flirting with some girl I didn't even want to talk to her but I just did it out of a sense of obligation to you know to practice and to train myself I was just talking to her and she told me about life coaching and immediately as I heard that I realized oh that's what I gotta do that that's perfect for me because I right around this time I was very interested in reading self-help books and so I thought that this would be the perfect next step so I I immediately enrolled in in life coaching training put $10,000 down committed to that and decided that that was gonna be my next you know direction and I was very doubtful about it I I knew that you know I could just lose my ten thousand dollars and not really get anything out of it but I decided to do it anyways because I didn't really have anything better to do and also around this time I did traveling I traveled and lived in Austin I lived in Las Vegas for a month here and there and was meeting new people and sort of really discovering this whole new domain of life which was dating and and women and that was a refreshing change from sort of the cloistered life the business focused life that I used to have then I moved to Las Vegas mmm really started a new lifestyle here living on my own away from my family and during this time I started actualised org and I started experimenting with YouTube videos and I wasn't really sure how I was gonna do life coaching or where that was gonna take me but through doing these videos and starting my youtube channel I discovered this opportunity I've kind of found my niche on YouTube and I saw that this was this was a time to strike this was still back in like 2012-2013 where YouTube wasn't as big back then and so I saw that there was an amazing opportunity here with these videos and with teaching this material but at the same time I felt very insecure very inadequate I was battling many limiting beliefs about whether I could do this whether I was qualified to do this and so forth whether I could be a good teacher and so that's where I sort of discovered the possibilities with actualize that or that's when I really had my full vision for actualize that org and I started building it and I worked feverishly for four four or five years working on that so this this is me moving from the starting phase into phase number three which was sort of the peak with actualized org striking while the iron was hot and I worked for about four straight years just pumping out content every single week and the result of that was that I learnt earned a lot of money gained a lot of subscribers built a whole business mastered how to communicate I mean I'm Hastur but became decent at it sort of figured out YouTube figured out how to start my new business figured out how to be a self-help teacher started figuring out spirituality and enlightenment so that was all discovered during this time and then like in the last year or so I'm starting to feel like I've kind of I'm starting to peak with this chapter of my life it's starting to feel a bit stale starting to feel a bit grindy I'm still excited about pumping out videos but at the same time I've sort of evolved my consciousness to the point where I don't really need to create videos anymore and I'm sort of like looking towards a new horizon what else is there I'm starting to see possibilities with enlightenment with yoga with psychedelics with writing a book with doing travel with maybe getting more involved with intimate relationships than I was and so yeah so that's kind of where I am right now I'm sort of at the peak and starting to maybe move towards the end phase and it's kind of scary especially when you've had a lot of success because you don't want to let it go you get comfortable and I've already had several calls to adventure about stuff that I could do you know just totally new chapters in my life that I could open but of course I'm hesitant that ego is always hesitant and cautious when it comes to just accepting a call to adventure it's amazing how how conservative the ego tends to be with that sort of thing oftentimes you got to be forced into it a lot of times in the movies a hero is literally forced into it like his home is destroyed or his family is all burned and killed like Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars movie you know literally his whole family is charred and killed and he has nowhere to go nothing to do but to accept that call and so that's kind of where I am now and so I'm trying to figure out you know what the next thing is it can feel a little bit like you're getting into a rut a little bit like you're feeling stuck a little bit of playing victim coming up with excuses for why not to accept calls and why you can't you know again limiting beliefs come up and you have to deal with letting go of past success and the possibilities of earning lots of money like you know one of the most tempting things that that trips me up is that I can always extract like millions of dollars more head of actualised org and it's always extremely tempting but at the same time I know that that that's not really what what the next chapter is for me so it's tricky to figure that out and so I'm in the process of figuring that out and seeing what will come so there you go in conclusion start to think of your life roughly speaking in terms of chapters and phases start to imagine it this way that can be helpful to guide you as you do this try to focus each chapter on one thing maybe two but not much more than that because you don't want to split your focus up the power is to concentrate your focus strategically into just a few hand a handful of things maybe even ideally one thing to knock it out of the park so whatever the next chapter will be for you select a theme for that chapter for example relationships or building a family or building a career or becoming financially independent with your business or fitness and health and nutrition or traveling the world or spirituality or getting a great education or giving back to the community or art and creativity you know something like that and make that the focus of the next five years of your life let's say see so that you're clear and you know what you're working on every single day that's very important otherwise you're gonna just be diffusing your attention everywhere and nothing is going to get done and then you're gonna feel like like a victim because you're not gonna get that kind of success that you want from personal development so don't try to do everything at once and also the last tip I'll give you is it's helpful to make formal clean breaks which you can do with ritual and even ceremony try to demarcate the opening and closings of a chapter so whatever that might mean maybe like you go out into the forest and just camp outside with a fire and just like dance around the fire and that's like you demarcating the beginning or the end of this chapter of your life or maybe do it with friends or you know you can find various ways in in more ancient more primitive cultures they used to do these rituals and ceremonies and rites of passage a lot where you know a boy becomes an adolescent ready to become a man there's like a rite of passage he goes through to demarcate the end of his childhood in the beginning of adulthood that can be very important there's a lot of wisdom in those rituals and ceremonies which we've lost touch with here of course you have to make sure that you're doing these rituals and ceremonies not out of cultural habit because someone forces you to do it you have to do it like consciously yourself really you can totally create your own ceremonies and rituals just don't necessarily expect your friends and family to participate although maybe they could if you talked them into it so that can be very helpful now of course in practice it becomes difficult it's emotionally difficult to actually create a clean break or a clean beginning or a clean end because oftentimes you're clinging you're clinging to the old chapter or you're scared to fully go into the new beginning so you don't create a clear demarcation between your beginning and your end well I mean you're just trying to do the best you can you're not always gonna succeed that's it we're done here please click that like button for me and come check out actualize that org that's my website you'll find my blog with exclusive insights and videos that I post there check out the actualized forum check out the life purpose course check out my book list it'll all help you with figuring this out and the last thing that I'll say is that look these days I talk about a lot of advanced topics metaphysical abstract topics spiritual topics and the bottom line is that most of you most people who begin watching actualised org are at a point of development or you just need the basics you just need basic self help most people what they need is like very practical sim tony robbins style self-help spiral dynamic stage blue-and-orange self-help not my metaphysical musings about the non-dual nature of god and all this like if i think back five years and i think about me watching my own videos five years ago most the videos that i put out today i couldn't stomach five years ago I wouldn't watch them I would click the off button why is that because they're too advanced they're too advanced and they're too outside of you know my materialist paradigm which existed back then my dualistic paradigm so so make sure that you're covering the bases make sure that you're not just getting totally lost and chasing these metaphysical advanced things that I talked about without handling the basics like your financial independence your creativity you know your relationships your sexuality business and finances and fitness and health and your education get that stuff dialed in the stuff that I'm teaching now I mean I'm still gonna be teaching very practical topics like this one for example is a very practical topic that will help you if you're not even pursuing any spiritual stuff it'll help you and I'll be releasing more content like that in the future but really you need to find some some books some courses some teachers who will also just teach you the very basic stuff and then you listen to me for them for the very advanced stuff you see the metaphysics the epistemology the spirituality the non duality that's the very advanced stuff for sure it will rapidly transform your life if you can do it if you can even stomach to listen to it let alone do it but you also need to get just the simple mmm the simple foundation of survival down in your life teach yourself how to hunt teach yourself how to survive in 21st century society teach yourself how to maintain a job a decent career and this source of stuff and then if you do that and then on top of that you add all the advanced stuff that I talk about these days damn that's gonna be that's gonna be amazing see but but if you neglected the basics by fooling yourself into thinking that well if I just become a woke you know an awakened and enlightened that I won't even need to worry about my career and my health and my fitness and my family and my relationships and dating in sexuality I won't need any of this well realistically you're you're fooling yourself in a certain sense that's true if you truly deeply awaken in a certain sense you can bypass a lot of stuff but at the same time you're still gonna have to survive you're still gonna have to worry about keeping a household you're still have to worry about your bank account mmm you're still gonna have to work on your relationship you're not gonna just be able to skip over all of that if you do actually you'll develop pathologies in these various areas so you might be enlightened but you're still like a horny dog thirsting after after women because you haven't handled that part of your life so uh so just keep all that in mind I am very cognizant of making sure that my my videos are practical even my metaphysical videos I'm always trying to make them practical for you because this work is is about actually embodying it in your own life so really don't think of it as like there's the practical self-help stuff and then there's the metaphysical stuff which is not practical no no the metaphysical stuff is the most practical the problem though is is that you need to be able to appreciate that you need to be at a certain level of consciousness and development and open-mindedness to even be able to learn the theory let alone to embody it it's extremely practical and your biggest results and gains in life will come from the metaphysical stuff which is why I talk about it so much these days is because that's really where the results are at the results you get with the basic stuff is basic survival stuff you're never getting it satisfied with that even though you still need it you see that's why survival is so tricky you can't just say well to hell with survival no you still need it if you say to hell with survival you're still gonna be unconsciously running through various kinds of survival strategies all the time because that's basically all your mind is doing all the time is looking out for your own survival so you do need to develop some higher quality survival strategies that's important but but really life is not about survival life is about transcending survival and seeing what lies beyond and so actualize that or ggest is supposed to be a holistic teaching where we kind of talk about both at the same time we talk about some survival issues we talk about some transcendence of survival issues and then we kind of intermix it and we we see how actually the two interrelate with each other you can't create a duality between survival issues and mundane everyday life and business on the one hand and then spirituality on the other that would be a terrible spiritual approach to life really the whole point in pinnacle of spirituality is that you you bring the spirituality and infuse it into your everyday mundane life including your business your relationships your family and everything else that you do so that's what we'll be talking about going forward you